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Re: Midget Fuel System

Subject: Re: Midget Fuel System
From: (Todd Mullins)
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 11:35:19 -0500 (CDT)
Mark Endicott writes:

> I now suspect the "off brand" fuel pump, should I pop for the SU or keep
> looking for something else?

I like to say "SU Carbs need an SU Fuel Pump", but that's just my snooty
obstinence poking through.  In reality, anything that's not too powerful
(this includes most every aftermarket fuel pump) will do the trick.  No
more than 3 psi!

> What about float level with the Grose Jets,
> I don't have instructions to go by.

You should.  Check Haynes.  Float level is the same whether you use
Grose Jets or standard needle valves.

> I also question the vacuum and
> mechanical advance on the distributor, should I see the timing mark
> change position when I put the vacuum hose back on following timing
> adjustment? I don't see any noticable vacuum advance at idle, what
> should the vacuum be out of the carb line? I can advance the timing with
> the vacuum pump at about 15 to 20 Hg. 

A couple of years ago I had my distributor removed for maintenance (the
first time I had done so), and was alarmed to discover that my vacuum
unit was frozen stiff!  It turned out to be only twenty-something years
of crud, so, after a good cleaning, I now get 6 or 7 degrees of vacuum
advance at 1000 rpm idle ('74 MGB, Lucas 25D4).  Perhaps your unit needs
a cleaning as well?


Todd Mullins    On the lovely Mississippi (USA) Coast

'74 MGB Tourer very happy at 20deg BTDC

That's me at the corner.
That's me at the stoplight,
Losing my transmission...

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