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Re: SU Carb's

Subject: Re: SU Carb's
From: Craig Wiper <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 17:43:01 -0700
At 08:28 PM 5/22/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I have twin SU on a 78 MGB, I know they are not originial,  My problem is
>that one of them (Left Hand one) is spitting out gas.  I have tried hitting
>it with a screwdriver handle hop[ping to free up the needle inside but it
>seems to be getting worse.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>Bob Triggs

Take it off. Open it up and install Grose Jets instead of the needle valve.
While it's off, use your manual to do a check and see if the float is
adjusted properly. 

Craig Wiper

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