Your description of "nylatron" bushings matches the "polyurethane" or
"urethane" bushings I got from Moss and sent back. For Paul's sake, are
these actually the same thing?
BTW, the V8 bushings are actually rubber with a steel insert, rather than
the reverse as you said it. Just thought I'd do my part to keep Paul
totally confused :-)
David Littlefield
Houston, TX
On Fri, 16 May 1997 22:13:18 EDT (Larry Dickstein)
> I am a part time authority on bushings. The nylatron, or
>other such named stuff, is a hard plastic type of thing w/ very little
>"give". It's harder than rubber and will produce a really tough ride.
> The V8 bushings are steel w/ a rubber insert that will produce a
>sturdy ride but not an unbearable one.