David C Littlefield wrote:
> That's the Catch-22 of socialism. It sounds like a good idea and it
> seems to be kind to everyone, but it is like a parasite that eventually
> kills the host. Let's hope that Tony Blair and his buddies really are
> "new" Labour (or Conservative Lite) and don't turn back the clock!
> Lecture mode <off>
Enjoyed the lecture and this is an interesting thread. As Mike Allison's
wife told me at the 95 GOF West, "oh yes, we are the losers". The
question is, how did the country that brought us the industrial
revolution go so far astray? Moreover, the "British disease" seems to
now have infected Europe in general with an average 12% unemployment
rate, compared to UK's 7%. Maybe Blair will be the British version of
Clinton - a shift to conservatism while still preaching the same time
worn liberal cliches. I don't see a resurgence of the British auto
industry however.
Bill Harkins
Fallbrook, CA