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Re: everybody's talking, but no one hears a word

Subject: Re: everybody's talking, but no one hears a word
From: Robert Allen <>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 22:53:20 +0100 wrote:
> The next time someone says that the next generation will grow up to
> worship Miatas instead of MG needs to remember how we are treating the
> next generation.

Well, shoot, Thomas, I'm not sure what group I'm in! I'm not very good
with the show'n shine set, anyway, so if I'm allowed to wander through
the cars without getting constant chit-chat in my ear I'm all the
happier. One of the more difficult things about looking over a really
nice car is that while I'm thinking "Jeez, this guy should get a life
and drive this shiny turd" the owner is flitting about like an untrained
poodle ranting on and on at how good his car is compared to the
pedestrian examples around him!

On the other end of the situation, my CGT is way out of 'spec' so if I
see a converstation going on about my car I quietly amble over to hear
what the fuss is about. It's fun to hear about all the mistakes I've

But, okay, let's be serious and have a rules of car shows:

1.) Dress appropriately. Don't wear nothing that is metal. No belt
buckles, no necklaces, no rings, no sharp buttons.

2.) Don't touch nothing, ever. Put your hands behnd your back and bend
over, peer, ogle, take pictures, whatever. And if you've got the camera,
it should be in your hand behind your back.

3.) Don't chew gum like a child. Don't be eating anything close to a
car. And if you got a soda, put it down on the ground, away from the
car, before you get close. (Or hold it behind your back with your

4.) If there is something you see interesting about the car, pose your
questions as "Is this your car? Sure is nice! Can you tell me about..."

If you pose your question and don't get an intelligent and thoughtful
answer then just say nothing and walk away. You have just stumbled
across an asshole. You ain't gonna change nothing by continuing the

Conversely, you can always find some really noisy and peskey 'expert'
who probably has the ugliest beater at the show to explain all the
mistakes and wasted money put into someone else's restoration.

Finally, remember where you are. This is the beauty pagent of car shows.
If you wanna talk about _using_ your car, go talk to the backmarkers of
the show. If some fellow has three times more money into the car than it
is worth he obviously is going to be, ah, a little different than your
average LBC enthusiast.

Remember. There are cars at shows with polished copper heater tubbing.
Engines installed without gaskets so as not to destroy the 'lines'. Cars
with interiors that cost more than your car is worth. These people are

Some of these people are too busy, some have bad hearts, some don't have
the stamina to run 100 miles in the open without a/c. Some are just
scared to be by themselves. They are in the sport because they like the
cars and what the cars represent to them. There idea of fun is different
than yours or mine but it doesn't invalidate their reason for having the

Yes, its true that some people see the show as a social event complete
with a caste system and a pecking order. If I ever get rich, I'm gonna
tub a Mark II Jag and put in a big block with a blower. Paint it some
modern 2-tone metallic. 5 kajillion watts playing 60's rock. Stock
interior. And it's gonna tow a Lotus cut in half to form a BBQ pit.

But that's just me and, don't worry, I don't see rich on the horizon.

Personally, I prefer about as much assistance at car shows as I expect
at Western Auto.

Putting down us old farts for not putting up with you young pups is a
cop out. You're on this list, aren't you? And we seem to tolerate lots
of questions with sincere and, occasionally, off the cuff explanations?
Lot's of times that wisdom is coming from a younger person going to an
older person.

Just don't bother trying to straighten out Bill, Barney, or Larry. None
of their calendars ever made it past the Nixon adminstration.

Bob Allen, Kansas City, '69CGT, '75TR6

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