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I never referred to the equipment as stupid. Machines are not stupid. If
the only tests are for HC and CO then looking at a Cat converter (present
but hollow) and an air pump (present but spinning and producing no air)
is not going to accomplish anything. If you assume that because a
device is present it is working you assume much.
Kenneth A. Scott
Academic Support Specialist
The College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, MA 01610
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Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 23:11:39 -0500
From: Steve Darby <>
Subject: Re: Smogging the B -Reply
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Kenneth Scott wrote:
> The basic frustration is with the attitude =22I don=27t care whether it =
> emissions specs or not, it ain=27t stock so it don=27t pass=22. This is =
> stupidity. If certain emission limits are set and my car passes these =
> should not matter what is under the hood. This is called being
> reasonable and logical. We are dealing with government here and
> government is not known for being reasonable or logical.
> Just my =240.02
> Kenneth A. Scott
> Academic Support Specialist
> The College of the Holy Cross
> Worcester, MA 01610
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: Smogging the B
> Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 12:25:56 -0500
> From: Nolan Penney <>
> To:
> CC:
> >My =2780 MGB-LE has not turned a wheel in nearly two years simply =
> >I cannot get it passed the =22It=27s not visually Stock=22 attitude. I =
> >to use the =22CA Legal=22 weber set up with an extractor exhaust=21 =
This setup
> >was/is legal through =2774. I was even willing to use a cat converter =
> >the exhaust down stream of the Header but NOT ONLY NO, BUT HELL NO=21 =
> >the car sits=21
> Well DUHH=21=21=21 Your car is an 80, that=27s six years after 74 =
> Cripes, by that logic I shouldn=27t have to have headlights on the TF =
> they weren=27t required back in the 20=27s.
> Come on, crying because you can=27t pass visual for some other era car =
is a
> seriously childish ploy. One the inspectors really aren=27t going to =
> any sympathy for. Nor would most other people for that matter.
> >And if you think that=27s bad. What do you think is going to happen =
> >my newly acquired Factory Clone of a MGB-GT V8 crosses the state line?
> Since you seem to be the type that likes to beat your head against =
> you=27ll have a hell of a time and never get the car on the road. I, on
> the other hand, would drop the stock four in their, let it pass, and =
> swap it back.
The emmisions test check for HC and co only.=20
the catalytic converter EGR valve and the other =22stupid equipment=22
reduces the levels of NOx, Sulfur Dioxide, and other pollutants that are
not checked for. That is EPA=27s reason for the various parts.