The safe solution to transport a TC from LA to Virginia is the following:
1. buy Hemmings Motor News
2. In the "Services " section make a list of car transporters.
3. call each one and emphasize the smallness of the car, and would they
give you a special rate. Try them all, and leave your number in case extra
space turns up.
These carriers, like Horseless carriage in N.J. run special built enclosed
tractor trailers across the U.S..Their rates are usually based on much
larger cars, and often they have room for an MG or are returning from a
delivery, half empty. Your car would be all profit, and they may make you a
special deal.
When we did the Circuit of Britain in 1990, cars from all over the country
and Canada had to get to New Jersey to be shipped to England. Several used
the above method to cut costs. (the cars had to be here two weeks before
the people did)
All the cars arrived in excellent shape. My house was quite a site for
several days with T types arriving every day by trucks, my lawn looking
like a dream used car lot from 1956.