>I'm being harassed by the 'code enforcement' goons from the city of
>PalmBay,Fl. I have a '64 Galaxie street/strip car parked in my driveway
>and someone in the neighborhood doesn't like it
Document the heck out of this. Written records carry tremendous legal
Do a Freedom Of Information request (FOI). The government agency then
must show you the records, which often times will include the names of
the person complaining, as well their own notes. Make copies!
Use the phone and a few stamps, and complain like hell to the agency,
going up the chain of command. *ESPECIALLY* to the latest bully agent
who made things up. Really push there.
I work for a government agency, and have an inkling how this stuff
works. Yes it's subjective, yes it's discriminantory, yes it's
subjective. And yes, you can push back hard enough they back off.