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Re: City Code Harassment

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: City Code Harassment
From: "William L. Singleton" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 08:33:10 -0500
...stuff deleted...
>By the way, we do have a lawyer on the MG net and he sounded like a nice guy
>when I chated with him a few months ago. I don't know if he can advise you.
>He's in California somewhere.

Actually, we have several lawyers on the list.  Only one has gone public
about his affliction (to the point of noting that sad fact in his
signature) and I'm much too nice a guy to rat the others out ;->

(Who is using his business signature below to demonstrate that he ain't one.)

William L. Singleton                   |
Director of Information Services       | 860-832-1719
Central Connecticut State University   | This space for rent
"If anyone objects to what I say I am not only prepared to retract it but
to deny under oath that I ever said it."  T. Lerher

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