> I drive a 1972 B roadster and I need to remove the dash so as to remove the
> windshield for replacement (or so I heard). So how is it done?? Any help
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!
> ED
Granted it is a little easier to remove the windshield with the dash
removed but by no means is it necessary to do so.
Removal of the glove box inner liner will suffice to gain access to the
two bolts holding the right side and the left side bolts can be removed
with the use of a socket and universal joint. After all for bolts are
removed, loosen the two bottom center bracket bolts ( on the dash ) .
Slowly push forward on the windshield and remove the center bolts the
rest of the way. Re-install in reverse order.
Have fun.
Dennis Skog
'66 MGB (with newly replaced windshield rubber)
'60 JAG MK I