Courtesy of a spell of Vermont weather and by special arrangement with
the National Park Service, we have arranged to close Yosemite National
Park for an indefinite period. This will help keep at least a
significant share of the 4+ million people who can't understand
California's attraction (but come to clog our roads anyway) from
visiting here thereby giving us locals a chance to enjoy ourselves and
our LBCs.
All kidding aside, I've driven over 800,000 miles, in 49 of the 50
states and all but 2 of the Canadian provinces, over the last 20 years
alone. ALL states have a lot to offer, ALL states are beautiful in
places and ugly in others, ALL states have wonderful people as well as
some real turkeys. This is a wonderful continent, I emigrated here over
50 years ago and have never regretted a minute of it. Both Carol and my
ex were born and raised in New England and I've greatly enjoyed the many
months I've spent there, including those spent in Vermont.
I'm sure Ray wasn't putting down California. Rather than having another
"negative" TR vs MG or other "my xyz is greater/better/more wonderful"
thread, I propose that each reader of the list do the following: suggest
some especially favored LBC road/venue/activity in THEIR state that the
rest of us as visitors would enjoy when we visit. Nobody knows their
state better than a local, and I'm sure we can probably come up with
something for all 50 of them and the Canadian provinces as well. There!
I feel better already! Jarl