On Wed, 22 Jan 97 07:45:00 PST Deffendall Kelly 403
<KDEFFEND@corphq.cbrlcorp.com> writes:
>Question is, how difficult is it to rebush the carbs? Can I do it
>with a
>kit, or would it be best to ship them off to someone, or can I get a
>machinist to do it?
Difficult to do without the correct reamers, etc. We can do them for you
for $20 per carb. body, plus parts (you can supply the parts if you
like). ( We supply Moss Motors rebuilt carbs so we know what we're
>I only have experience with HIF4's and they've been rock solid for 8
HIF's have less of a wear problem on the shafts because they have a seal
to keep the dust out. The shaft wear is the result of dust mixing with
the gas vapor to make a nice grinding paste.
British Sports Car Center