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Re: Weber Ownership

To: (Chad Cooper)
Subject: Re: Weber Ownership
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 09:04:45 EST
Chad wrote:

<Mine does this too... not that it is right but it does just what you
<described.  I have tried everything (I could think of) in the course of
<about three years of running the carb.  I just wrote it off to being "one of
<those things."  In my case the Weber, even with this quirk, was much better
<than my overly worn SU's. For approx 60 miles of daily driving it was much
<more reliable,  and most importantly I do not have to worry about it.

>>I have completed rebuilding my new/old Weber DGV and succesfully
>>installed the carb onto my 'B.  Installation was easy, requiring only a
>>handful of tools and about an hour of my time.  Rebuilding the carb took
>>a night to complete.  I was methodical in my rebuild because I wanted to
>>have a complete understanding of the carb.  
>>Now that I have everything in place and adjusted, the carb works fine,
>>save one quality.  There is a hesitation upon accleration.  This occurs
>>only at low engine speed (around 1100 rpm).  The engine will either die
>>or continue on after a split-second delay.  This occurs regardless of
>>engine temperature.  Is this normal for a Weber?  If not, where should I
>>direct my attention?
>>Thanks in advance,
>>Thomas James Pokrefke, III
>>1970 MGB

I presume you and others who choose to use the Weber downdraft carb 
are aware that there is an adjustment available for the accelerator 
pump?  This hesitation you describe might be cured by 
setting the pump adjustment to feed more or less petrol upon movement 
of the throttle.  As I recall, there are two holes that one can select from 
regarding this adjustment, one of which gives greater movement of the 
pump mechanism.  Would be interested in results.

Bill Schooler

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