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Re: MG magazine, long

Subject: Re: MG magazine, long
From: Leckstein <>
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 15:34:13 -0500
At 09:57 AM 1/8/97 -0500, wrote:
>In a message dated 97-01-08 07:38:23 EST, Scotty wrote:
><< Fellow MMM enthusiast, Terry,
>       for your consideration-and; *without any intention of flaming* but; in
> the interests of historical accuracy, I disagree with your statement,
>             *the magazine is a direct decendent*
> MG Enthusiast Vol 1, # 1 was sold for April/May 1983
> In 1986 Abingdon Classics Vol 6, # 8, in the Editors Jottings inside the
> front cover is a message from Martin Wise;
> "Many of you may be aware that former editor/publisher George Butler's
> business has taken him to foreign fields and we took it as a great
> compliment when he approached us to see if we would like to continue
> producing Abingdon Classics."
> Martin quotes figures of 60,000 readers for MG Enthusiast and 10,000 for
> Abingdon Classics,
Of course, Scotty is right. I was going to post the same point, but I
didn't have the exact dates.

In 1990, Martyn, and I talked about this at length. It appeared, at least
then, that Martyn was very disappointed in the inability to reach the
American Market. It is noteworthy, that Abingdon Classic was not a
commercial success. Why we in America don't support a magazine is difficult
to understand. I guess we just don't read! 
I get Enthusiast, Safety Fast, MG Magazine, Sacred Octagon and in looking
at the British publications, they are filled with adverts. The U.S.
Magazines can't get Adverts. I can't solve the Chicken or egg problem, (you
need readership for adverts, you need adverts for a big successful magazine
to attract readership) 

Another problem is the loyalty to the club magazine ie. Sacred Octagon, MG
Driver etc. But this doesn't explain the popularity of MG Enthusiast where
in Britain the MGCC and MG Owners Club Mag, are also very successful. 

The whole mentality is different here. In Britain I am told you can't own a
B or Midget without being a member of the Owners club because of tie in
with insurance companies and suppliers.  Roch Bentley owns the Owners Club
and is a rich man as a result, yet the members love him. Here in the U.S.
the thought of a financial interest by the leaders of a club would bring
more scandal then that attached to our politicians. I do NOT  want to open
a thread on U.S. Clubs and why they are different as that would open up the
subject of the MG Wars of 1992 and the terrible mis information and
division that almost took place on both sides of the Atlantic.

A neighbor of mine a few years ago bought a real nice MGB. He did so
without talking to me about it even though he knew me, and knew I was the
local MG nut. in town. His first act was to put in a new battery, which he
put in backwards and melted the harness to the alternator. I spent the day
fixing it up for him. I then gave him a bunch of picture books on MG, a
sample of MG Driver, and Sacred Octagon, and asked to look over everything
that evening. The next day he returned everything and thanked me so much
for my help and interest, but as he explained, he wasn't interested in a
hobby, or club, just a pretty white car to drive to the store on weekends.
That's the typical American MG owner, not us on this list. 

It amazes me that T type owners are not members of the NEMGTR, or A owners
not members of NAMGAR etc, but even on this list their are multitudes who
are not members of the national clubs or a local chapter, or center of the
MGCC.  I think they are missing out. 

During the MG Wars ,I had lunch in England with Roch Bentley, who told me
as the CEO of the Owners Club, that they did a study of the American scene
(means market) and found it impossible to recreate a club on the British
model due to Geography and  the American nature about car clubs  in
general. . Remember that the Owners club is much larger and more successful
the the MGCC, and the attempt to organize America by the MGCC in 1992 was a
huge financial disaster that combined with two other foolish adventures led
to the almost bankruptcy of the club. ( Please lets not get into the blame
for this)

In any event we are different here.I would hope every one on this list was
a member of a club and Register for their car model . I can preach ,but we
are for some reason lazy and  or cheap.

Mike Leckstein 

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