Oh boy here we go. Suppose your driving down the road and a cat runs
out in the street, you can either steer into a curb and obviously cause
mega damage to your LBC or take out the cat. I do the cat. It's the
same thing that is going on here, this animal is destroying your
property. I'm thinking time to winterize but I'd be leaving the drained
anti-freeze in a cat water bowl right next to some little friskies cat
food. The worst thing you can do is approach the owners of the cat. If
anything ever happened to cat after that, you would be blamed even if
it wasn't your doing. All you bleeding heart animal lover had better
keep tabs on tabby cause if it comes spraying around my cars you may as
well list it missing in action. The people who allow their animals to
wander the neighborhood causing damage to others property are the cruel
ones here not the person trying to protect his/her stuff. Let the
flames begin but you should be torching this cat not me. Safety Fast,
David Deutsch