Regarding the conversion of stock to MGA style air filters......
I have just the opposite problem....PO , possibly many times
removed, removed the OE air cleaner and put on flat ones. I prefer the look
of the OE unit, but I think what was in the trunk was it
supposed to be an oil bath cleaner or should it have a paper element? Same
PO put a bracket between the vacuum chambers on the SU's to attach the cable
to....I think the MGA bracket would be a much better solution.
Parts have been a little tricky. I've got the typical MGA books:
Moss, Vicky B., and the local import shop.(I work in parts, so if they'll let
me use the catalog, I'll get the right parts!) I've also snail mailed for a
catalog from Britain, and to a fellow who is running a Magnette
registry.......that sounds promising. His name was posted recently, mail me
back if you didn't get it.
I have to track down a factory workshop manual! I've owned British
cars for over 15 years, but always Rootes Group before...this is my first
MG. Figured it would be different to own a "popular" car...leave it to me to
pick one of the few MG's no-one has ever heard of! But it is a very
attractive car.
Hope I can be of help......
Jon Arzt
58 Magnette
66 Alpine
67 Sunbeam caravan