Check the hoses in the trunk on the passenger side. They crack and leak
fumes not fluid.
From: mgs-owner
To: mgs
Subject: MGB--Fuel Leak
Date: Wednesday,September 04,1996 1:30PM
I believe I have a fuel leak in my 77B because I can detect the smell of gas
inside the cockpit. Started last week and it appears to be noticable after
drive about a 1/4 mile after starting the car up and right after I turn off
the ignition. I have smelled it at times in between but not as frequently.
I checked everywhere I could think of (around the fuel pump, in the trunk,
and the engine compartment between the firewall and the carbs). I also
checked for puddles and drips, but no luck.
Any suggestions on most likely source and/or a way to detect the source
(other than running a lit match along the entire fuel line until something
Thanks for the help.