Gee, finally a question I think I can answer!
There is a little O ring that goes with the plug underneath the carb.
In the Vicky B catalog it's not available apart from the rebuid kit. I
just got a Moss catalog and they sell them individually.
When I got my '78 B last Oct, I had very rapid damper oil loss - half
the plug was missing!
It does seem that my carb does go through damper oil faster than I'd like,
but nothing like those first months until I checked that plug.
vermillion red '78 B
"Love is bumper blind"
On Fri, 9 Aug 1996 wrote:
> what tis the cause of losing oil in the damper of a zenith card on a "78
> B. Rememer seeing something about an "O" ring, but cant seem to locate
> it on any diagram og carb that I have. Help Please if you can.
> Thanks: Pete