>Driving home from buying my midget, a jaguar e-type pulled up next to me,
12 cylinders purring in their signature baritone. The two guys riding in
it grinned and gave me the thumbs-up. Then, as the light changed, they
waited as I pulled out in front and merged into their lane. True
< gentlemen.
Boy! Those guys get around! I crossed them, or their twins, in Southern
California three weeks ago! I was headed up a blvd when I spied this
very nice E-type roadster with two guys in it, coming down the opposite
side. They both gave me enthusiastic waves. I was so startled, I barely
had time to get my hand out to respond!
I now wave at rubber-bumpers. Didn't used to, but after participating
in this list, I now realize that rubber-bumper owners are SOLs, too.
I find that TR6 owners won't wave back. Pretty much all others do, though.
When I'm in MILOU, I wave at everyone. I'm more discrete in TINTIN.
Probably the influence of being closed-in.
Broke a throttle return-spring last night. That's the third one.
Someone doesn't know how to temper spring-steel. Rather an unpleasant
feel to have the accelerator suddenly go soft, and not want to return all
the way to idle without being blipped. I had two spares, of course.
Good thing Pep Boys sells generic springs with long leads on them!
*Philippe Tusler - Mission Viejo, CA | "MILOU" '57 MGA Roadster *
*A-Mail: <TUSLER@MP050> | "TINTIN" '66 MG/MGB-GT *
*InterNet: TUSLER@MP050.MV.unisys.com | "N/A" '88 ISUZU Trooper*