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Re: Headlights

Subject: Re: Headlights
From: "Keith R. Bennett" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 16:21:33
Reference the request for low-cost replacement 7-inch round lamp
units. Ring Automotive of Leeds, UK make comparitive units in
sealed beam. These are 12v 60/45watts and 'E' approved. There
are two versions, one with a pilot lamp housing and one without.
My information may be a little rusty so I've asked them for an up
to date catalog. Their Technical department can be contacted via
UK (+44) 113 2767676. If calling from the USA please bear in
mind the time zone differential, California is 9 hours behind our

Kind regards from:   | Alternative E-mail  | Send your personal 
KEITH BENNETT        | address located at: | communications by
No.22  LU7 7PN       |                     | E-Mail. It's cheaper 
Bedfordshire England |  | and quicker too!


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