On Wed, 26 Jun 1996, Deffendall, Kelly, 403 wrote:
> Here's a puzzler for the net wisdom. My brother is having a problem with leaky
> carbs on his 61 MGA. They're the stock MG HS carbs. He's replaced the
> with kits from Moss and tightened them down as much as he dares. They still
> at the black rubber gasket on the bottom of the carb body where the float bowl
> extention attaches. The washer looks like a two step faucet washer thing.
Just been through this exact scenario. What kind of fuel is he using?
I believe the fuel I was using had alcohol in it. Started using Chevron
fuel without alcohol and the problem stopped.
Kevin Sullivan -- 1960 MGA kevins@khoral.com
Khoral Research Inc. http://www.khoral.com
Albuquerque NM USA