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Re: MGC Air Cleaner Bolts

Subject: Re: MGC Air Cleaner Bolts
From: (John A. Wise)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 10:00:59 -0800
>I don't know the length of the MGC air cleaner bolts, but if we are 
>talking about 2 inches, one possible source is the Austin America 
>with the single HS4 carb.  

One thing I learned al long time ago, was that you can get an amazing
number of MG parts by going to the generic auto parts store and holding the
part up & asking if they have "one of these."  When I was in grad school in
Pittsburgh, PA (where foreign cars were a bad thing in the 70's) I was very
successful in getting many parts for my MGA in that manner.

I recently did the came thing for my MGB carb filters.  I determined the
thread I needed & the required length. Iwent to the local auto parts store
& asked the counter person for a stud with such & such thread x inces long
- and they handed them to me.  


John A. Wise, Ph.D., CHFP                       Tel: (+1) (904) 226-6384
Center for Aviation/Aerospace Research          Fax: (+1) (904) 226-7050
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University            E-mail:
600 South Clyde Morris Blvd.                    
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900      USA                          


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