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RE: testing my mettle, or: irksome rant

To: "'MGList'" <>
Subject: RE: testing my mettle, or: irksome rant
From: "David M. Hall" <>
Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 08:04:27 +0100
Cindy Jizmagian wrote:
> >Seriously: What does a car guy do when its no fun to drive !!?? - W.Z
> ...
down.)  Some of them will want to tell you how they "had one in college" and
> "wish I never sold that car". Now you are perfectly happy that you have not
> sold your car.  This is a fun activity for people who enjoy conversing with
> strangers on the street or for the truly narcissistic.  Have fun!
> Cindy (who likes conversing with strangers)    

Wow.  I actually had some guy come over and do this the other day.  Kinda cool.
My parents are into restoring Ford Model A's (30-31), and I can remember getting
all kinds of comments like that when we went on tours.  Makes me wanna get a new
paint job and find that streetside cafe!

Dave "glad I bought that car" Hall

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