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Re: Batteries

To: Scott Williams <>
Subject: Re: Batteries
From: "Roger Garnett" <>
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 09:32:58 -500
On 25 May 96 at 1:12, Scott Williams wrote:

> Is there any reason why 2 12volt batteries in parallel wouldn't work?

Yes- you get charging problems due to differences in internal resistance- 
parallel batteries need split charging systems. 

Besides- 1 12V battery does just fine for any MGB, beleive me. (It also 
happens to work for millions of other cars!)
  /     _  \    Roger Garnett             (
 /   /||  \ \   Agricultural Economics   | The Wayward Sports Car Centre
| |\/ ||  _  |  3 Warren Hall            |
| |   ||   | |  Cornell University       |  
 \    ||__/ /   Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801  | (607) 533-7735
  \________/    (607) 255-2522           | Safety Fast!

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