At 10:45 AM 5/6/96 PDT, you wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I was wondering if somebody could steer me in the right direction with
>what is apparently an electrical problem on Gorbi, my '79 B. The
>symptoms have started to manifest themselves more frequently in the last
>When the weather and the car are warm, things work fine.
>When cool, the tach, fuel gauge, wipers, and temperature gauge are all at
>about half of their real values.
>When cold, those same instruments are all at zero.
>I suspect I have a bad connection somewhere that expands in heat to be
>okay, but that's just a guess. Anybody seen something like this before?
>Any help would be greatly appreciated. Go Lucas! :)
Sounds to me like you've got an infestation of the rare "Arctic
Gremlin"-Britcaria noworkie. This is a slight variation (a cousin, if you
will) of the common Gremlin that comes standard w/ all Brit-cars Lucasvia
smokem. Consider yourself lucky; at least yours runs properly when it's
nice out. Most MGs are afflicted w/totally random malfunctions, failures,
quirks, etc. Good luck and happy motoring ;-)
Paul Parkanzky KB8NPO
Ohio Northern University
Phone: (419)-772-1828
Cell Phone: (419)-233-5770