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Reply-To: wzehring@cmb.biosci.wayne.edu (Will Zehring)
Is there any good reason why one shouldn't recharge batteries by hooking the
charger leads to the starter solenoid (i.e. to the cable that comes directly
from one pole of the batteries) and a good ground in the engine bay? Is
there a good reason to *always* hook charger leads directly to the battery
terminal (or is it really more a matter of electrical efficiency)?
I don't think I'm *THAT* lazy, but it does occur to me...
Will Zehring
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You may hook the charger on any circuit that is connected to the battery. The
precautions that need to be taken are:
1) The charger output should not exceed the current carrying capability
of the wire.
2) The charger output should not exceed the current carrying capability
of the fuse (if any) in the circuit.
3) Always apply power to the charger last and remove power first.
The biggest danger in hooking up to a battery is a spark. The battery
releases hydrogen and oxygen when the battery is being charged. These
gasses are the byproducts of the chemical reaction that produces the
smoke that is stored in the batttery.
IMHO hooking the charger up as you suggest may even reduce this risk.
- -Mark "I am that lazy, but careful" Jurras = =o&o