Thanks for your comments on the gulp vale repair.
I'm uncertain if there is any relationship between the cost of a part and
its reliability, especially when it comes to lbc's. That's a long way of
saying that paying US$80 for a glup valve is in no way any guarantee it will
perform the required function for more than a few..days(?)...months(?)
I will defer to others more knowledgeable than I regarding what additional
damage is done by spraying carb cleaner into the unit.
Finally regarding storage of the air pump. In theory if one was to remove
the pump it should be preserved in an appropriate manner--please refer to
Egyptian Book of the Dead for complete instructions. If I was to have
removed my pump, again just in theory, I would keep it in a dry place and
reattach it only when it was time to deal with the California SMOG patrol.
Hope this helps
Stephen Patchel
Consulting Practice Leader
Radford Associates
voice: 408-321-2540
fax: 408-321-2650