>When my '74 MGB developed a bad miss, the compression check revealed
>that #3 cylinder had burned a valve. During disassembly, I placed a
>catch-pan under the car to catch the coolant.
>I left it there, under the car, along with manifolds and hoses and
>assorted MOWOG bits. Apparently, the cat got thirsty and drank. The
>vet put her to sleep this morning.
>I knew better, but I wasn't thinking.
>Todd Mullins
>Todd.Mullins@nrlssc.navy.mil On the lovely Mississippi (USA) Coast
>I drained the antifreeze from my TR4A about 17 years ago and 24 hours later
my dog started acting real funy. The vet cared for him for about a week.
He almost died but survived. I didn't know what had happened until a few
years later when I read that antifreeze is sweet and animals like it. It is
Don Mathis,Ph.D.
Member of Technical Staff
Bell Labs Innovations
AT&T - Bell Laboratories
Norcross, Georgia
'61 MGA '37 Bentley