On Mon, 4 Mar 1996 ALAN_COSTICH@HP-USA-om11.om.hp.com wrote:
> Item Subject: cc:Mail Text
> Who has some suggestions?
> >
> Spongy pedal still! Can't get it in gear with out grinding.
> What am I doing wrong? What Have I over looked?
> Alan
I still suspect air in the lines. The clutch lines are difficult to bleed
(at least on my MGB) and I have oftentimes had to do extensive bleeding.
Technique is also a factor - when my son operates the pedal while I open
and close the valve on the slave cylinder, I am still left with air in
the lines. But when my wife helps, it bleeds better (she complains though).
Ironically I am suffering problems similar to you. I have just rebuilt my
clutch and bleeding the system still leaves me with a spongy clutch
pedal.But since I still have to put the carbs back on the car, I haven't
got too worried about the clutch yet. I will rebleed it again when the
car is ready.
My suggestion - take some time off and then try to rebleed it again. Some
of the air must still be there.
David Councill
(I don't have to turn the car over for this....)