Fellow fiends:
A few questions:
---Did the B/GT ever have the wire-in-glass sort of rear window de-icer as
an option?
---Can one get such a window installed into a B/GT now? I.E.... can a good
auto glass shop make one... or are they available from our usual friendly
lbc parts guys?
---Would using such a de-icer in the B/GT pose too great a strain on the
electical system? I mean, in the pre-alternator cars, is the generator
likely to keep up with the current drain caused by using the de-icer? Would
an alternator equipped car be better able to handle its use?
Will Zehring
p.s. I hope that our list-mates on the east coast are safe and warm in the
aftermath of the big storm. It missed Detroit completely, much to the ire
of my wife. I imagine the bad weather is fun for about a day, before the
serious inconvenince if not danger sets in. Good luck, and keep the faith!
Spring is only about a year and a half off!