This is a post for my friend Sujit who is selling an MGA engine.
Everything in the engine has been renewed, replaced or reconditioned to
new quality. The engine is not assembled, so you can see for yourself
all of the stuff is good. I have no interest in this sale except I have
dibs on buying the guy's leftover MGB and Midget parts. The engine has:
Block: Rebored, boiled out, rodded out, surfaced with new freeze plugs
Crankshaft: Reground and reconditioned
Head: Resurfaced, new valves, seals, re-bushed rockers, new rocker arm
New timing gear and camshaft
New Main bearings
New oil pump
New clutch, pressure plate and resurfaced flywheel w/new ring gear
Reconditioned rods
New piston set
Complete gasket set
He is asking $700 for the whole thing. There are also other
miscellaneous A parts that will go with the motor. The engine is located
in San Jose. I don't know anything beyond what I've listed here. You
can contact Sujit at Since he is not on the MGs mailing
list, replying here probably won't help.
Andy "I wish I had an A so I could buy this motor" Ramm