Here I am again! (@#$@#).
Well, the pinking is apparently gone, but a new problem has surfaced.
When I accellerate in 3rd or 4th gear (same range I had pinking) or
cruise steadily at 50 mph. or greater in 4th gear, I get:
1) Hesitation (frequent but non-periodic momentary power loss)
2) Power loss (engine changes sound and loses power for many seconds)
3) Occasional backfire out intake
Since I understand it is best to get the electrical system under control
before messing with the carbs, I have:
1) Inspected distributor cap, rotor (looks fine).
2) Checked plug wires and plugs (solid connections, clean plugs)
3) Checked and replaced connectors leading to coil from harness and Pirhana
ignition module.
4) Checked ground strap.
5) Checked connections on fuel pump.
6) Timed initial advance to 9 degrees BTDC.
Then the fuel system:
1) Fuel pump is new SU. The problem didn't develop until a week or so
after I replaced the fuel pump.
2) New fuel filter (NAPA).
3) Removed HIF carbs, checked float level, needle valve. Returned to
benchmark positon. Returned to ABD needles (had AAE needles)
4) Checked oil in the dashpots. Yep. A mix of 10W40 and 20W50 at the
1) Checked valve lash
2) Fiddled with choke (does not alleviate the symptoms listed above but
does trash the idle behavior
3) Checked for loose intake manifold.
Carbs have been rebuilt with new throttle shafts in the last 18 months.
The problem is greatly lessened if I put the pedal to the floor.
a) Is it a fuel or electric problem? I can put points in and take out
the Pirhana, but that's the only electrical thing I think is left.
b) If it's fuel, howcum it's intermittant in a steady cruising state?
Naturally I have a race this weekend and need the car healthy...
John M. Trindle | | Tidewater Sports Car Club
'73 MGB DSP | '69 Spitfire E Stock | '88 RX-7 C Stock
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