>I believe that your chances of curing the problem with some majicke
>elixir are naught point naught over infinity. You might check to make
>sure that the tranny is equipped with the right fluid (plain old motor
>oil, 30W or multigrade). If some pinhead has put gear lube (90W) in
>it, the synchros will not work (too viscous) and you will lose all of
>your bearings to boot due to poor flow and bad lubrication. (Been
>there, done that, got the T-shirt).
> Good luck! A. B. Bonds
80W/90 gear oil is in fact thinner (less viscous) than 20W/50 engine oils.
Don't be fooled by the numbers, gear oils follow a different index. If you
don't believe me I will send you the Castrol bulletins on the subject. Also
the MGB GT V8, with the same gearbox, was specified to use 80W/90 gear oil
in the gearbox by the factory (and that in 1973)>
Graham McCann Rivett, ACT. Australia
06 2889055