Fellow fiends:
Just a brief note: as many of you are probably experiencing, there is a
"heat wave" crossing the country these past days. Well, it hit Detroit
yesterday with temps in the upper 90's. I took the B ('63) in and when I
went out to leave for home in the evening my temp gauge was already reading
about 100F. That gauge is always on the job-you just can't tell unless its
100F in the shade! What a car...
Have a great weekend,
Will Zehring
P.S. Ran fine on the drive home, too: hotter than usual of course, in the
190-200F range, but didn't boil over or show any other signs of overheating.
Didn't take it in today, tho. Temps expected just as high and I don't see
any point in TEMP-ting fate (hahaha).