I had the luxury of using a lift in my friends shop a day ago,
and noticed that my passenger side axle seal is starting to go. I
am getting ready to call Moss for new ones, but I'm not sure what
else (if anything) should be changed when I make the repair. If
anyone has walked this path and might shed some light upon it, I
would appreciate it.
I'm curious!! Does anyone else in MG land have the same trouble
pointing the car towards work (a four letter word) on a nice
day?? I have owned the car less than a year now and spent
countless hours making it reliable. Having reached a point of
"better" reliability (and weather), the urge to continue driving
has become overwhelming!!!
` 77777 33333 BBBB John Whitehead
` 7 3 B B Network Administrator
7 3333 BBBB Nassau Community College
7 3 B B One Education Drive
7 33333 BBBB Garden City, NY 11530-6793
1973 MGB (Red) "The Phoenix"
1992 Toyota P/U (to tow the "B")
John Whitehead
Network Administrator
Nassau Community College
Academic Computer Services
One Education Drive
Garden City, N.Y. 11530-6793
(516) 572-7248