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Re: Pos/Neg

To: "Ramm, Andy" <>
Subject: Re: Pos/Neg
From: Marc Steinberg <>
Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 16:38:06 -0700 (PDT)
Generator repolarization is simple -- you "arc the field" -- 
engineerspeak for connecting everything backwards and then basically 
shorting the thing out.  One tip:  disconnect your distributor lead wire 
and the ignition coil when you do it so as not to risk destroying 
them...and be sure to connect up the coil backwards when you're finished.


1) Disconnect battery
2) Disconnect ig. coil/distributor lead wire
3) Remove fuses
4) Connect negative battery post to body ground
5) Hold lead connected to positive battery terminal in the vicinity of 
the terminal on the generator (No need to touch it; the "arc" should jump 
a couple of inches)
6) Reconnect everything (coil backwards!)

N.B. As someone else noted, the tach gauge may need 
modification/replacement; mine was mechanical, so I can't help you there.

Except for gauge, the whole thing should take an hour or two.

Happy arcing.

-- Marc


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