Hi all,
I have a question about the radio antenna on my '68 MGB. It's a
side-mount antenna that I recently re-attached, its having spent several years
away from the car. I reconnected the coaxial cable to the antenna, and now I
get AM channels fine, but FM is non-functional. Any ideas? I thought the
outer casing of the coaxial wire was the ground, but maybe it's for FM while
the inner wire is for AM?
Benjy Edwards.
OS/2 Warp. Bulldoze your Windoze. OOOOO SSSSS 2222
---------------------------------- OO OO SS P 22
benj@proxima.cc.colorado.edu OO OO SS R 22
b_edwards@rikki.cc.colorado.edu OO OO SS A 22
bedwards@goedel.cc.colorado.edu OO OO SS W 22
dedwards@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu OOOOO SSSSS 222222