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Subject: Re: MG TF
From: (Lane Rollins)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 09:58:29 -0700
>Hello all, I recently met a lady with a 1955 MG TF 1500 at the Mead Gardens
>British car show. Anyhow, she's had this car for twenty years or so and
>still needs something to make it complete. As it turns out the car came
>with out a fuel gauge, however an aftermarket fix was a "dipstick" in the
>fuel cap to measure the fuel left. Have any of you heard of this and might
>possibly know where she might find one? Thanks,

The dipstick method is the only "guage" per say, but the TF has a low fuel
level light. In the middle of the dash there are three lights, it's the
light on the left and I believe it should have a blue lens (mine has a
green one). The light comes on when you have 3 or 4 gallons of gas left.
This is assuming every thing is working correctly..... Trust me it tends to
go out when you need it the most! MG's are the only cars I have ever run
out of gas in.

    /  _______  \         Lane Rollins
   / /  /| ||\\\ \        Milwaukie, Or
  / //\//| || \\\ \
 | |||\/|| ||  ||| |
 | |||  || ||____| |      '55 MG TF 1500
 | |||  || ||--//| |      '59 MG MGA 1600 (Summer Driver)
  \ \   || || /// /       '86 Mazda RX7 (Damp Driver)
   \ \ _||_||_// /

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