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To: British Car Mailing List <>
Subject: RE: MG TF
From: "Palmer, Lew (UCI)" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 95 09:05:00 PDT
> As it turns out the car came with out a fuel gauge, however an aftermarket 
fix was a >"dipstick" in the fuel cap to measure the fuel left. Have any of 
you heard of this and >might possibly know where she might find one? Thanks,

T types never had fuel gauges. The original aftermarket tank cap mounted 
sticks are rare. However, our club used to sell dipsticks for the purpose. 
It's easy enough to make one out of a piece of wood about 24" long and about 
the dimensions of a yardstick. When the tank is about empty, repeatedly drop 
the stick in the tank and add one gallon of fuel. Repeat this procedure for 
every gallon added, marking the stick at every gallon.

There are two advantages to this method.

1) It's cheap.
2) It's easier to read the level of fuel on bare wood than on the metal of 
the cap mounted gauges.

Lew Palmer
Minnesota MG T Register

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