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RE: wind tunnel testing

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: wind tunnel testing
From: "Paul MacDonald" <Paul.MacDonald@PWGSC.GC.CA>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 08:39:02 -0500
Reply-to: "Paul MacDonald" <Paul.MacDonald@PWGSC.GC.CA>
Thread-index: AcPe2iVRuyh1N7MISxCY6TJU+X9dtQAgGtIA
Thread-topic: wind tunnel testing
Hi Craig

I am not sure, but I seem to remember seeing a picture of an MGB fitted with 
the flags. Perhaps the pictures are in the MGOC magasine "Enjoying MG" or 
something like that. I used to belong to the club about 12 years ago... before 
I got into TR8s. I still have the old magasines around. I will have a look, but 
may take a bit of time.

Paul MacDonald

Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 5:04 PM
Subject: wind tunnel testing

Does anyone have access to (or point me to) actual photos of wind tunnel 
tests or outdoor tape-and-flag testing done on production MGB?  I have a CBB 
I've read numerous references to one aftermarket product or other being the 
solution to some wind tunnel testing, but I've never seen anything.  My B has 
stock appearance as much as possible, but the heat exhaust, brake venting, rear 
end at speed, under carriage pressure, etc... are all items that may benefit 
from looking at research.  I dont necessarily need interpreted data, either...  
just photos would be great.  Any ideas?

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