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Point of interest!

To: mgb-v8 <>
Subject: Point of interest!
From: "T. S. White" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 17:49:47 -0700
Reply-to: "T. S. White" <>
For those of us with TR-3 V8s I have found something interesting.  I
hope you can follow my description.

In the middle of the rear half of the lower a-arm is a rubber bumper
that has a strike plate above it to limit suspension travel.  The strike
plate has a triangular shield that extends downward and at the rear of
the a-arm.  

On my driver's side the rubber bumper came off and the base struck the
triangular shield for the strike plate.  This contact bent the shield
outward toward my tire.  That left the point of the triangular shield
pointing directly at my tire.  I have 225x14 60R tires on the front. 
The inside of my left front tire has a mark whereit has been contacting
the point of the triangle.

The same triangle on the passenger side has also been bent outward
although not as far.  There is still a rubber bumper on the right side.

I plan to replace both rubber bum,pers and remove a substantial, but not
all, portion of the triangle.

        Best regards,

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