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Re: mounting a 215

To: James Nazarian Jr <>
Subject: Re: mounting a 215
From: Jim Stuart <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 18:35:40 -0500
Cc: mgb-v8 list <>, buick-rover list <>
References: <>
Reply-to: Jim Stuart <>

We strive to keep the top of the carb level. This puts the engine at an angle- 
take a close look at the intake manifold. Some bit of variance is OK. Before 
you bolt everything down & walk away, check to see what the relative angles are 
between the
engine & rear end pinion. Done wrong, you will eat U-joints at best, break 
drive shafts as a worst case.

The difference between the angle of the rear of the engine( or bell housing or 
transmission output) & the angle of the pinion should not be zero, but should 
be within 3-5 degrees. If this does not make sense, let me know off list.

Jim Stuart

James Nazarian Jr wrote:

> Guys,  I came to the very disheartening discovery saturday that my engine is 
>in the wrong place.  I have been using the stock 'B' crossmember and I had it 
>in the foreward holes, the puts the front of the oil pan right on top of the 
>steering rack.
> Anyways, this is the last time I am repositioning the engine and I want to 
>get it right.  I seem to remember reading somewhere that the 215 should be 
>angled backwards about 5deg when read from the top of carb.  Can anyone 
>confirm this?
> --
> James Nazarian Jr

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