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Subject: greetings
From: Howard gentry <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 09:04:48 -0800 (PST)
Reply-to: Howard gentry <>
     I have just joined the V-8 list. I own two
MG-B's..a 1976 roadster in good nick, and a 1974 GT,
which is in need of some hands on work..It is this one
which i propose to convert to a more substancial power
    I will be checking the list daily. I do not
necessarrly want to limit my engine choice to the
buick-rover 3.5 litre engine. I have seen several MG's
with v-6 engines of different makes as well as
different v-8 fittments which looked and drove well.
     I live in Wv. , having just moved here from
Ft.Collins, Co.
     I have a heated workshop which i will have
avaialible for customer work, on a limited basis.
    My experience with MG's in general goes back to
the early 60's..but i am a complete novice with the
v-8 i will be asking questions as i
have them.  My mechanical prowess is substancial..i am
a journeyman machinist..and have been involved with
racing and driving Brit cars since i was 14.
    I am Howard Gentry
be well, all.
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