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Re: automatics?

To: Andy Bradley <>, mgb-v8 list <>
Subject: Re: automatics?
From: The Rays <>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 08:52:15 -0400
References: <>
Reply-to: The Rays <>
I asked that same question last year and didn't get a response from the
list.  I did install one in my wife's 80 B using the Borg Warner T35 that
came with the Rover P6B engine.  It works fine but you will need to replace
the rear axel with something that offers at higher gear.  I used a shortened
Ford 8" with a 2.74 gear that came from Ted Schumacher.  You can reach Ted

The engine is stock and has more than enough power for the car.

Jim Ray

----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Bradley <>
To: mgb-v8 list <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 10:16 PM
Subject: automatics?

> I don't recall ever seeing anything about using some sort of 4-speed
automatic in a bv8.  Is there any knowledge out
> there regarding such a venture?  Or should I shup up and crawl under my
rock again?
> It just seems to me that the extra power would overcome any slushbox
shortcomings and the overdrive give it nice freeway
> cruisability.
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Cheers....Andy B.
> Bradley Restoration

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