I believe there was 1 automatic at the last V8 convention, behind a V6.
When doing the planning for my V8 BGT, I had thought seriously about using an
automatic trans, & had salvaged a usable unit
from a Rover 3500. What became very obvious was that either the engine was
going to have to be moved farther forward than I
wanted, or that a lot of cutting/pounding of the trans tunnel was going to be
required. While the diameter of the auto bell
housing was the same as required for a manual trans, the bulky front part
needed to be much longer with the auto box to
cover the torque converter.
After a weekend of measuring & thinking about the choices, I was convinced it
could be done, but too much work for me. Maybe
someone else can provide a more positive experience.
Jim Stuart
Andy Bradley wrote:
> I don't recall ever seeing anything about using some sort of 4-speed
>automatic in a bv8. Is there any knowledge out
> there regarding such a venture? Or should I shup up and crawl under my rock
> It just seems to me that the extra power would overcome any slushbox
>shortcomings and the overdrive give it nice freeway
> cruisability.
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Cheers....Andy B.
> Bradley Restoration