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To: mgb-v8@Autox.Team.Net
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 10:43:37 EDT
Sender: owner-mgb-v8@Autox.Team.Net
Larry, I hope you don't mind a minor correction, but I believe Robin's last
name is Weatherall (sp?). I concur with your opinion of the V-8 newsletter. It
is a wealth of information. But if you really want an EDUCATION, make a point
to attend the annual V-8 convention! I feel like I received a degree in V-8
MGs in Annapolis. My hat's off to Jim, Dave, Kurt, Glen and everyone else that
put forth the effort to bring us the 2nd Annual MG V-8 Convention. Thanks guys
(oops..and gals. I know Dave's wife was instrumental as well.)

Carl Floyd in TN
'79 MGB (future V8)

>In my humble opinion the single best source for V8 conversion
>information is Kurt's newsletter.  His newsletter is filled with
>information that Kurt has assembled.  In addition there are always
>several "How it was done" articles.  Well worth the money.  In fact I
>would recommend if you contact Kurt you might want to consider buying
>all the back issues.

>It probably should be noted that Kurt is "passing the baton" to Robin
>Merryweather.  Kurt will publish the Feb 1999 issue and Robin will
>take over in August of 1999.  Apparently Kurt decided publishing the
>newsletter was too intensive and he needed a life.  I for one
>appreciate all the work he put into the newsletter and am grateful he
>had the inspiration to start it up.  I think we can all look forward
>to Robin coming on board.  He has "big shoes to fill" but if anyone
>can do it, it's Robin.

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