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A LEGIT request for help

To: <mg-t@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: A LEGIT request for help
From: "WebmasterRick" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 19:12:32 -0500
Ladies & Gentlemen:

I am Ed Kaler's webmaster AND friend.

He told me of what follows and I 1000% agree with the request for me to ask
for your assistance.


I only got the info to publish a couple of hours ago even tho I have known of
Rich's "family" problem for a while.

I offered not only my site for any assistance that I could do; not only being
an ex-medic & firefighter but just as
someone respecting that he nor his family asked for HELP.  The folks of the
F.D. started this program on their own.

I have chatted with a few folks around town whom are now involved plus almost
all of the Police Officers plus about 25% of the folks on the F.D..  ALL
saying the same thing.

Lets help a family!

Therefore, please put the info I just sent you up on my site.  And Thanks!!

Ladies and Gentlemen; this IS legit.  You may call me or write or if the "site" does not answer your

I DO humbly REQUEST that you NOT call the H.F.D. as with the number of folks
getting this mail could just wipe out a small (14K) town's phone system.  Got
questions, write me.

Thanks VERY kindly for you time (and hopefully donation).



Well, I do not know what else I might add except that the above is true and
the info/page may be found at:

And, YES I know for a fact, Ed did clear the usage with a Captain on the FD.
Ed and I discussed the bit about phoning and the reason is simple folks.
message is not only going out to the Lists in the TO: area, but a BUNCH more.
This means "potentially" we are talking "K's" of folks!!
But "we" still have to try for A.J. !!

My thanks also to you all and with my kindest regards...........

(new to me) '72 MGB (Teal Blue and NO Name??)

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