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RE: Nonresponsive NEMGTR

To: <>, "Mg-Tabc" <>
Subject: RE: Nonresponsive NEMGTR
From: "Robert Grunau" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 20:24:08 -0400
Hi Guys and Gals,
Further to the email below, I received the following email from Tony Thomas,
Registrar, NEMGT Register. Hopefully this will help clarify some of the
communications problem. Bottom line, email/fax/call Tony with your NEMGT
Register membership problems.
Regarts, Bob Grunau


I have been following the discussion threads on the web site, and I do
appreciate you stepping up to make us aware of what is being said.

>From my perspective, any time a Register member has a complaint it is
important for us to: a) hear that complaint; b) investigate its validity; c)
rectify that situation; and d) take steps to avoid a repeat of same with
another Register member. It behooves all of us to not only acknowledge the
discussion threads but to "hear" what they are saying.

>From the Register member's perspective, I think it is important for all to
remember some "basics": i) the Register's officers and member support
personnel are all volunteers ... most of who have full time jobs and are not
"sitting around" waiting for an inbound phone call, fax transmission, or
e-mail; ii) many of the membership related problems begin with the member
not doing something ... i.e. missing a dues renewal deadline, not completing
the dues renewal form legibly, submitting an invalid / incomplete credit
card digit sequence on a form, not writing clearly enough for us to discern
the name or Register number, ordering Register products with last minute
delivery requirements, and not supplying telephone numbers for the file for
us to get back them in a timely fashion; and iii) clearly stating what the
problem is and how they would like to see it resolved.

Terry Saunders in California stated it rather well .. it all begins with

Best regards,

I have been a member of the NEMGT Register for nearly 40 years. There have
been some communication problems over the years but these have eventually
been resolved. Keep in mind these people are all volunteers and don't spend
all day on the computer. In addition, with well over 2,000 members and
nearly 12,000 cars listed, and most information NOT on a computer, the
information collection and correspondence is slower than we have come to

Having said that, there is no excuse for some of the problems identified.
I am the Ontario Chapter representative to the NEMGT Register. As such I
forward any complaints/comments I receive to the appropriate person in the
NEMGT Register. When I do that, I have always managed to get a satisfactory
answer and resolution to the problem. I would suggest those people who are
having communication problems with NEMGT Register try again by contacting
Hank Rippert by email.

Bob Grunau
150 Pinewood Trail,
Mississauga, Ontario,
Canada, L5G-2L1

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