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Re: 52 Brake Problem

Subject: Re: 52 Brake Problem
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 13:24:22 -0400
 ........................expecting the worse (melted parts)  The shoes
look OK, the wheel cylinders were in place and no sign of leakage?  Any
ideas, comments, suggestions, etc. would be appreciated.


52 TD


One possible cause:

- The inside of one of the flexible hoses is breaking down and coming away
from the outer sheath.  This can then act as a one way flap inside the hose
and let fluid go to the slave cylinder, but close up when the fluid starts
to return.  When the break peddle is released the fluid starts to move back
toward the master cylinder and closes the flap.  Each time you break, more
fluid is trapped the wheel side of the damaged hose and will hold the break
shoes harder against the break drums, and eventually overheat and smoke.
While you were getting the truck, the fluid slowly seeped back and release
the break shoes.  Did it pull more when you released the breaks than when
you applied the breaks?  When you release the breaks, the good side would
automatically  release the breaks, while the blocked side would not,
causing the call to pull.  This is particularly noticeable on the front as
happened on my car.

Roy Hamlyn


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