> >T-listers,
> > My TD engine is being rebuilt, so I took the starter to my friendly
> >local starter/generator shop to have them solder in new brushes. The
> >old timer cleaned it up and all the cotton wrap washed off the field
> >windings. He didn't do anything wrong; I had noticed the wrap
> >dangling when I gave the starter to him.
> > Today he told me that the insulation between the strips of copper
> >that are wound to make the field coils is suspect, and that he is
> >having trouble locating the insulation. It looks like 3/16" gasket
> >paper to this layman. Is that insulation available anywhere, and can
> >it be pressed into the space between the copper once the fields are
> >unbolted and removed?
> >Bob
He can buy a new field coil assembly from Ace Coil Co.. They are the
supplier of all auto electrical coils in Columbus, Ks. Their ST-745 is
used on all MG starters after the MG-TC.
Jerry Felper
British Auto Electric